

We are proud that our nursery school, with its warm welcoming atmosphere, gives children & their families a sense of belonging and a feeling of security. Children are allowed to grow at their own pace in an environment where they can experience spontaneity, joy, wonder, enthusiasm, curiosity, challenge, success & failure, persistence & friendship.

Visits to the nursery can be arranged on Mondays at 10am or Wednesdays at 1:45pm. Please phone the office on 01753 521975 to make an appointment.

Slough Network of Early Years Centres
Slough Centre Nursery School
Headteacher: Mrs. Diane Lister, Cert Ed,Dip SpDL, M.A.

Telephone: 01753 521975
Fax: 01753 518808
Email: post@slough-nursery.slough.sch.uk
Buckingham Avenue East,


Berkshire SL1 3EA, UK